Basic Information
- Small shallow pit or spread of material capping post holes F240, F241 and F242
- A potential beam slot measuring 1.32m long, 0.50m wide and 0.12m deep. The uneven nature of the feature leads me to think it may just be a small lozenge shaped pit or very short shallow gully. When this feature was excavated a series of three post holes were seen in the base. These appeared to either be cut into the base of the feature or cut by the feature. This means this is either a contemporary feature with the postholes or a later feature. This may be related to the building in this area. This feature and the post holes seen in the base are perpendicular to the wall F213 and it would appear they are related, however it is not possible to tell currently. If they are related it may be that this is an earlier iteration of the building that possibly burnt down (the postholes appeared to have organic burnt material in, possibly the remains of the posts) and was then rebuilt in stone seen as wall F213.
- Nat Jackson
- 2-10-2020
- This feature was fully excavated in the 2021 field season and 100% of the remaining fill was retained as sample number 189. Upon complete excavation, it was interpreted that this feature more likely represents a small shallow pit or simply a spread of material than a beam slot due to its shape, size and profile being inconsistent with that of a beam. The fill of this feature clearly caps the three post holes below (F240, F241, F242) and must post date them.
- Ben Swain
- 1-2-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations