- No Files Attached
- West facing section of TR2W, including walls 2346, 2359, grave [2413] and foundation/levelling layers. 1:10 Sheet 5
- Nat Jackson 3-10-2022
- No text data has been added
Context: LDF_2001
Context: LDF_2002
Context: LDF_2134
Context: LDF_2331
Context: LDF_2346
Context: LDF_2359
Context: LDF_2373
- Yellowish crushed sandstone levelling/foundation layer beneath partition wall 2346
- Elizabeth Tutty
- 16-9-2022
Context: LDF_2374
- Possible stone foundation support for internal partition wall 2346
- Nancy Diener
- 16-9-2022
Context: LDF_2413
- Cut of an E-W aligned grave extending beyond eastern LOE of Tr2W and truncating wall 2359
- Christopher Eve
- 27-9-2022
Context: LDF_2414
- Fill of an E-W aligned grave [2413] extending beyond eastern LOE of Tr2W and truncating wall 2359
- Christopher Eve
- 27-9-2022
Context: LDF_2415
- Skeleton within E-W aligned grave [2413] extending beyond eastern LOE of Tr2W and cutting through wall 2359
- Christopher Eve
- 27-9-2022
Context: LDF_2431
- Mid-orangey-yellow crushed sandstone layer, possible initial levelling layer or foundation surface below 2373
- Ben Swain
- 30-9-2022
Context: LDF_2435
Context: LDF_2438
- Orangey yellow sandy layer - foundation/levelling layer for wall 2359
- Ben Swain
- 1-10-2022