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- East facing section of grave [2397] and post hole [2404]. 1:10. Sheet 2
- Ben Swain 23-9-2022
- No text data has been added
Context: LDF_2395
- Fill of a grave containing SK2396
- Bethany Markham
- 21-9-2022
Context: LDF_2397
- Cut of grave containing skeleton SK2396 just south of lime kiln
- Bethany Markham
- 21-9-2022
Context: LDF_2404
- Cut of a post hole cut by grave [2397]
- Ben Swain
- 23-9-2022
Context: LDF_2405
- Fill of a post hole [2404] cut by grave [2397]
- Ben Swain
- 23-9-2022