Basic Information
- Approx N-S aligned possible internal partition wall of a structure in TR2W
Context: LDF_2392
- Possible foundation cut for partition wall 2402
- Elizabeth Tutty
- 21-9-2022
Context: LDF_2393
- Fill of a possible wall foundation trench [2392] containing the stones of wall 2402
- Elizabeth Tutty
- 21-9-2022
Context: LDF_2402
- Linear row of 4 or 5 stones - possibly a wall, near to the eastern LOE of TR2W
- Elizabeth Tutty
- 22-9-2022
- An approx N-S aligned linear arrangement of 4 unbonded and uncoursed/unworked stones that may represent part of a disturbed/truncated internal partition wall, perhaps relating to the stratigraphically early structures in this part of TR2W. On approximately the same alignment as F723, this wall may represent the internal wall of a corridor/partition. However, no dateable material was recovered from this possible wall and there are no direct relationships with any features nearby. Much more evidence would need to be recovered before any definitive conclusions regarding the purpose/date of this possible wall are made.
- Ben Swain
- 24-10-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations
- [not set]
- [not set]