Basic Information
- Probable burial - feet only exposed partially protruding from western LOE of TR2W
Context: LDF_2439
- The feet of a skeleton protruding from the western LOE of TR2W, within grave [2441], in the slot to the SW of the limekiln.
- Becca Dasco
- 2-10-2022
Context: LDF_2440
- Fill of grave [2441] in the slot to the SW of the limekiln, containing the feet of SK2439 protruding from the western LOE of TR2W.
- Becca Dasco
- 2-10-2022
Context: LDF_2441
- Cut of a grave in the slot to the SW of the limekiln, containing the feet of SK2439 protruding from the western LOE of TR2W.
- Becca Dasco
- 2-10-2022
- A likely E-W aligned burial containing individual SK2439. The feet only were exposed protruding from the western LOE of TR2W with the grave cutting through orangey clay layer (2447) visible in the section of a slot to the SW of the limekiln. The majority of the burial remains unexposed, extending beyond the LOE and no bones were lifted in the 2022 season. This grave likely represents an E-W aligned burial of an individual with the head to the west in the Christian tradition and in keeping with the other graves discovered in this cemetery - although further investigation would be needed to confirm this.
- Ben Swain
- 19-10-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations
- [not set]
- [not set]