Basic Information
- E-W aligned burial containing individual SK2434 beneath the base of limekiln F217 - partially burnt by the heat of the limekiln.
Context: LDF_2434
- E-W aligned skeleton partially burned by the heat of the limekiln, in relationship slot between wall 2359 and limekiln
- Ben Swain
- 1-10-2022
Context: LDF_2451
- Cut of grave containing SK2434
- Ben Swain
- 11-10-2022
Context: LDF_2452
- Fill of grave [2451] containing SK2434
- Ben Swain
- 11-10-2022
- E-W aligned burial of an individual SK2434, assumedly in a supine extended position, with the head to the west and no grave goods in keeping with the Christian tradition and with other graves identified within this cemetery. This skeleton does not survive in a very good state of preservation, with the upper half having been heavily burnt by the heat of limekiln F217 truncating from above. As a consequence, many of the bones are very fragmented, although enough does survive to suggest an articulated grave did exist in this location before the limekiln was constructed. This burial is located very close to wall F722, although no relationship between the two features exists. As of the 2022 season, this burial was exposed only and not lifted.
- Ben Swain
- 19-10-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations