Basic Information
- ENE-WSW aligned burial containing SK2396, located to the south-west of limekiln pit F217
- ENE-WSW aligned burial of an individual SK2396 with its head to the west and lying on its right side, with no grave goods in keeping with the early Christian tradition and the other graves within this cemetery. The alignment of this grave, slightly off E-W, is in keeping with the earlier phase of this cemetery - as is the fact that the individual was lying on its side. However, more evidence would be needed before a firm date could be placed upon this individual's burial. The grave does truncate a small post hole, F727, suggesting possible structural activity in this location before the area became used for burials. Again, more evidence of this would need to be revealed before any firm conclusions can be drawn.
- Ben Swain
- 19-10-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations