Basic Information
- E-W aligned grave beneath base of limekiln pit F217
- E-W aligned grave discovered beneath the burnt base of the Norman limekiln pit F217, therefore pre-dating it. This burial was discovered after a small sondage was excavated into the base of the pit measuring 0.46mx0.42m and the articulated long bones expected to be part of the lower legs of an individual were observed. Due to the small size of the excavation area the skeleton was left in-situ as of the 2021 field season.
- Ben Swain
- 1-2-2022
- As of the 2022 season, this grave was fully exposed under the base of the limekiln and excavated. As expected, it revealed an E-W aligned burial of a fully articulated individual with their head to the west, no grave goods, and lying tilted on their right side within a sub rectangular grave cut. The almost par-baked grave fill appeared a distinct bright orange colour, having been subjected to heat from the limekiln above permeating through the looser disturbed backfill compared to the more solid compact yellow natural clay surrounding it. Overall, the characteristics of this grave were very much in keeping with the early Christian tradition of all the other graves in this cemetery. Having been completely sealed by the limekiln F217 above, this grave must certainly pre-date the 1090s, when the limekiln was constructed.
- Ben Swain
- 19-10-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations