Basic Information
- Burial in the south west corner of trench 2 - partially exposed as of 2020
- A probable east-west aligned stone-lined grave in the central-southern part of trench 2 (west). A skull, vertebrae and ribs (SK2183) were revealed, but the grave was not fully excavated. The skeleton was positioned directly adjacent to a linear row of three upright stones (2296), indicting that this grave could have been stone lined. Similar to most graves in the vicinity, the feature exists within the disturbed layer 2164 (interpreted as a graveyard soil) with no distinct cut visible. It may therefore be broadly contemporary with these, but further excavation would be needed to confirm this. No direct relationships to other features were observed.
- Ben Swain
- 6-10-2020
- As of the 2021 field season, this grave was fully excavated and SK2183 was lifted.
- Ben Swain
- 31-1-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations
- [not set]
- [not set]