Basic Information
- Burial - Articulated human remains above stone box F702.
- Adult burial. In a stone lined grave. Lots of burials in very close proximity to the burial. The cut was very difficult to see, it is possible that these burials cut into each other. The stone lining doesn't go the full way around the burial, this could be due to truncation with later burials, at the feet there were two skulls directly about the feet, there were no bodies articulated with these skulls but there has clearly been some disturbance in the area. The lining may have also originally only been around the head of the burial. Some infant bones were identified during lifting but no articulated remains were seen. Unclear at this stage if they are just from the graveyard soil.
- Indie Jago
- 12-10-2020
- After lifting the burial and cleaning in the area it became clear that the stone where not a lining to the burial but a stone lined box F702 below to burial. The burial is a row of E-W aligned burials running N-S along trench 2E F263, F264, F265, F266, F267, F268, F274, F276, F277, F276, F284, F278, F279, F280, F234, F275.
- Indie Jago
- 15-2-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations