Short Description:
Cut of ditch [6009]
Issued to
Alexander Rome-Griffin | 14/09/2019
- Re-cut of earlier Vallum?
- Mike Sherry
- 14-9-2019
- Ditch [2009] appears to cut through natural clays (6006)=(6007), likely field boundary. A fragment of green-glaze was recovered in basal fill (6010)=(6011) indicating the feature is Medieval and unlikely the vallum.
- Josh Hogue
- 15-9-2019
- Linear
- N/A
- Length - 0.75 m Width - 1.60 m Depth - 0.50 m
- Sharp
- E-W
- Steep
- Sharp
- Concave
- N/A
Feature: LDF_602
- E-W aligned ditch and associated fills
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_193661
Photo: LDF_193664
Record Details
- Not set
- Alexander Rome-Griffin 14-9-2019
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