Short Description:
Earliest fill of ditch F707 in southern slot by wall F722 encountered in the 2024 season. Apparent tipping from the western side of the ditch
Issued to
Ben Swain | 26/09/2024
- Earliest fill encountered of ditch F707 in the southern slot adjacent to wall F722 in the 2024 season. This fill was not fully excavated. It likely represents some form of tipping from the internal western edge of the vallum and contained a fair quantity of shell
- Ben Swain
- 26-9-2024
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Friable
- Dark yellowish brown
- Clayey silt
- Frequent shell inclusions and occasional charcoal flecks/small sandstone pieces
- L - 1.00+ W - not excavated T - not excavated
- Exposed using hand ex tools/damp