Short Description:
Orangey clay slumping fill in ditch F707
Issued to
Ben Swain | 28/09/2023
- Similar to clay 2566, this material is made of mostly pure compact clay with occasional charcoal flecks and some small sandstone pieces. It perhaps represents another slumping event from bank material, due to its high level of compaction and clay content and a lack of finds.
- Ben Swain
- 29-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Compacted
- Dull orangey brown 7.5YR 4/4 Brown
- Clay
- Occasional charcoal flecks, manganese flecks and small pieces of sandstone/mudstone. Largest sandstone inclusion measured 7cm, smaller limestone inclusions around 1cm. Coal flecking less than 1%.
- L - W - T -
- Visable zones of grey coloured to 7.5YR 5/3 likley due to iron leaching. This is supported by evidence of bright orange 5YR 4/6 (yellowish red) nodules of iron situated below of the grey. Not developed enough to have formed an iron pan.
- Hand ex/damp