Short Description:
Basal fill of ditch. Upon closer inspection there are five micro lenses in this initial phase.
Issued to
Olivia Carrington | 23/09/2023
- Initial basal silting fill of ditch 2528 F707 (original cut). It is likely this material formed quite quickly after the ditch's original construction - perhaps a slipping in of some of the bank material created from the digging out of the ditch. One piece of animal bone was recovered from this fill and has been taken as a C14 sample to date the construction of the ditch.
- Ben Swain
- 29-9-2023
- It is likely that lense (a) is the primary fill composed of weathered clay and limestone that have mixed together from the ditch edges. Lenses (b) and (d) seem to be visable slumping from the glacial till (2660). Lense (c) shows slumping of the weathered limestone (2661). Lense (e) is poorly sorted due to a mix of inclusion sizes and therefore may have been the first dump after the natural infilling below.
- Abigail Morley
- 23-9-2024
- Moderately compact
- Refer to photo: a) 7.5YR 4/4 Brown b) 7.5YR 4/3 Brown c) 7.5YR 6/4 Light Brown d) 7.5YR 4/3 Brown e) 7.5YR 4/3 Brown
- Refer to photo: a) Very fine sandy loam b) Clay c) Silty very fine sand d) Clay e) Clay
- Small sandstone flecks. Within lense (e) 3% gravel inclusions including red sandstone and limestone, up to 1cm in size.
- L - W - T -
- - Animal bone sample for C14 dating taken from this layer - SF511. - Small zones of greyish brown in lense (e) visable coloured to 7.5YR 5/3 Brown. 1% of gleying visable.
- Hand Ex/damp
Feature: LDF_707
- NW-SE aligned linear ditch visible in the base of a slot against the eastern baulk of TR2(W)
Find: LDF_511
- Bone in basal fill of ditch F707 for C14 dating
Record Details
- Not set
- Olivia Carrington 23-9-2023
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