Short Description:
Reddish clay slumping fill in ditch F707
Issued to
Katherine Elbro | 22/09/2023
- Reddish clay fill of ditch F707. This material peeled off in sharp contrast to the sandstone bedrock cut edge of the ditch. Some charcoal flecks were visible throughout but otherwise it was observed as a clean and compact clay with no finds retrieved. This suggests the possibility of the gradual filling of the ditch with the superficial boulder clay geology originally dug out that could have been used as bank material.
- Ben Swain
- 29-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Compacted
- Mid reddish brown 7.5YR 4/3 Brown
- Clay
- Occasional charcoal flecks, rare small sandstone pieces, some manganese flecks. Inclusions of limestone around 2cm in size, coal flecks up to 1cm. 2% inclusions of gravel and 2% inclusions of coal flecking.
- L - W - T -
- Poorly sorted. Seems to match the natural.
- Hand ex/damp
Feature: LDF_707
- NW-SE aligned linear ditch visible in the base of a slot against the eastern baulk of TR2(W)
Record Details
- Not set
- Katherine Elbro 22-9-2023
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