Short Description:
Sandy clay silting layer at eastern edge of ditch F707
Issued to
Caroline Beason | 22/09/2023
- Sandy clay material on eastern edge of ditch F707. It is likely that this material has been heavily truncated by recut 2505 and its original size and profile has been lost. However, the surviving material seems sandier and slightly looser than the heavily compacted clay layers 2566 and 2575 on the western edge. This suggests the possibility of a silting event on the eastern edge of the ditch, rather than a slumping of redeposited natural bank material.
- Ben Swain
- 29-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderately compact
- Dull reddish brown 7.5YR 4/4 Brown
- Very fine sandy loam
- Occasional charcoal flecks.
- L - W - T -
- Evidence of limestone slippping, and is well sorted.
- Hand ex/damp
Feature: LDF_707
- NW-SE aligned linear ditch visible in the base of a slot against the eastern baulk of TR2(W)
Record Details
- Not set
- Caroline Beason 22-9-2023
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