Short Description:
Shelly initial tipping fill of recut ditch [2505] F707.
Issued to
Caroline Beason | 22/09/2023
- This material filled the base and eastern edge of recut ditch 2505 F707. The frequency of Oyster shells and Whelks outlines the context and is visible as a discreet tipping line originating from the eastern edge of the ditch. It seems that when the ditch was recut, its early use may have been for the dumping of refuse associated with a marine/seafood based diet. Some animal bone and charcoal was also present, representing an array of refuse being discarded in the ditch. Samples were taken of both the shell and the animal bone for C14 dating (SF516 and SF517) to refine the chronology of the ditch recut.
- Ben Swain
- 29-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderately compact/friable
- Mottled mid to dark grey/yellowish brown 7.5YR 4/4 Brown The weathering of the shell may affect the colour and texture.
- Very fine sandy loam
- Very frequent shell inclusions (Oysters/whelks and other maritime shell), charcoal flecks. 60% inclusions of shell on the north section with additional bone and stone identified in the south section.
- L - W - T -
- Likley a clast supported context. This may suggest a change in the use of space as this is the first fill of the ditch recut that suggests food processing waste.
- Hand ex/damp
Feature: LDF_707
- NW-SE aligned linear ditch visible in the base of a slot against the eastern baulk of TR2(W)
Record Details
- Not set
- Caroline Beason 22-9-2023
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