Short Description:
Fill of grave in NW corner of ditch
Issued to
Caroline Beason | 21/09/2023
- Fill of a grave containing SK2553, truncating the western edge of ditch F707 (visible in section). The skeleton itself was not excavated as of the 2023 season and remains in-situ. The feet are visible protruding from section. This fill likely represents the intentional backfill of the grave with the same material excavated out in a relatively quick event.
- Ben Swain
- 24-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- moderately compact
- Dull yellowish brown
- silty clay
- occasional small sandstone pieces/charocal flecks
- L - 0.58+ W - N/A - visible in section only T - 0.32
- not fully excavated
- Hand ex/damp
Feature: LDF_738
- Grave truncating pit F741 and ditch F707
Record Details
- Not set
- Caroline Beason 21-9-2023
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