Short Description:
Prone skeleton in grave [2524] truncating the metalworking pit F206
Issued to
Chris Swindells | 16/09/2023
- This individual was buried in a prone position (on its front) - the first such burial encountered on Lindisfarne. This may be no more than co-incidence as the body could have been accidentally placed on its front in a shroud. The burial cuts through the metalworking pit F206 and whilst the fill contains frequent charcoal and metallurgical debris, the bones themselves show no signs of burning, further indicating that this burial was later than the metalworking activity in this area. Some evidence of the original burnt edge of the metalworking pit is visible towards the edge of the grave cut, but it appears the burial has truncated through the majority of the central part of pit F206.
- Ben Swain
- 19-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Prone (lying on its front)
- lying on its right side
- extended down the front of the body, lying in front of the pelvis
- extended down the front of the body, lying in front of the pelvis
- extended parallel to the left
- extended parallel to the right
- extended out, pointed slightly to the individual's left
- The bone is in generally a good condition of preservation with some fragmentation of the skull
- some additional fragmentation after lifting
Feature: LDF_734
- E-W grave truncating metalworking hearth F206 containing prone skeleton SK2525
Record Details
- Not set
- Chris Swindells 16-9-2023
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