Short Description:
Final silting fill of recut ditch 2505 F707
Issued to
Caroline Beason | 14/09/2023
- Last silting up event of recut ditch 2505 F707. This material represents the final closing and sealing off of the ditch when it finally went out of use.
- Ben Swain
- 29-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderately compact
- light orangey brown
- silty clay
- occasional/regular sub angular snadstone/mudstone inclusions and charcoal flecks
- L - W - T -
- Hand ex/damp
Feature: LDF_707
- NW-SE aligned linear ditch visible in the base of a slot against the eastern baulk of TR2(W)
Sample: LDF_333
- Ben Swain
- 14-9-2024
Record Details
- Not set
- Caroline Beason 14-9-2023
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