Short Description:
Fill of a grave 2488 containing skeleton SK2489
Issued to
Ben Swain | 12/10/2022
- This pit has only been partially excavated as of the 2022 season, but it is visible being truncated by pit F206 above and likely represents one of the cluster of pits containing waste metalworking debris in this central area of TR2W, just south of the limekiln.
- Ben Swain
- 18-10-2022
- This turned out in 2023 to be the fill of a grave [2488] F731. The fill was very rich in charcoal and burnt clay as well as containing small droplets of copper slag. This fill is very similar in nature to (2135) fill of metalworking pit F206 and likely represents the truncation of this pit to dig the grave before burying the individual and backfilling with the same material.
- Ben Swain
- 9-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderately compact
- dark orangey brown
- silty clay
- regular small sandstone pieces, charcoal pieces/flecks and occasional burnt clay/daub
- L - 1.54 W - 0.45 T - 0.19
- only partially excavated as of 2022 season, fully excavated in 2023
- exposed with hand tools in fair conditions