Short Description:
Fill of grave F742 containing SK2578
Issued to
Ben Swain | 12/10/2022
- Likely reflecting a small circular pit containing metalworking debris, this feature remains unexcavated as of the 2022 season and was exposed only during cleaning of the 'metalworking' area, along with a cluster of other potential candidates for intercutting pits.
- Ben Swain
- 18-10-2022
- Upon excavation in the 2023 season, it was discovered that this material actually represented the fill of a grave F742 containing SK2578. This grave was only partially exposed and the skeleton remains in-situ as of 2023.
- Ben Swain
- 30-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderately compact
- dark orangey brown
- silty clay
- frequent small sub angular sandstone pieces, charcoal pieces and flecks, occasional flecks of burnt clay
- L - W - T - unexcavated
- Partially excavated in 2023
- exposed using hand tools in fair conditions