Short Description:
Mottled dark orangey silty clay fill with patches of burning and dumps of charcoal within - slot just to SE of limekiln
Issued to
Jodie Hannis | 02/10/2022
- Mixed/mottled layer of dark orangey clay and patches of burning, charcoal pieces and shell with some burnt clay. This layer may represent a possible continuation of the dumping of waste and by-products from the nearby 'metalworking' area just to the east
- Ben Swain
- 15-10-2022
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderately compact
- dark orangey brown
- silty clay
- regular patches of charcoal pieces and flecks, burnt clay and shell
- L - 1.17+ W - 0.72+ T -
- Not fully excavated
- Hand Ex/dry