Short Description:
Cut of grave truncating ditch 2311
Issued to
Ben Swain | 02/10/2022
- Cut of a grave only visible in section - the Sort facing section through ditch [2311] - where it is visible truncating the ditch. The skeleton within appears to be positioned in an unusual way for the Christian tradition, with the legs seemingly extending south into section whilst the ribs and upper body remain roughly E-W. However, without further excavation, it would not be possible to prove this
- Ben Swain
- 15-10-2022
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Not visible
- Not visible
- L - W - T -
- Very sharp where visible in section
- E-W
- very steep near vertical where visible in section
- very sharp - visible in section
- flat - visible in section
- truncates ditch [2311]
- Visible only in section and not in plan. What is visible of the skeleton within appears to be positioned in an abnormal position for the Christian tradition