Short Description:
Linear row of 4 or 5 stones - possibly a wall, near to the eastern LOE of TR2W
Issued to
Elizabeth Tutty | 22/09/2022
- This possible partition wall or ephemeral structural feature, consisting of only 4 stones, was visible within a possible foundation trench [2392]. The foundation trench was not fully excavated and the stones of this wall remain in-situ as of the 2022 season, but in some areas it was clear the stones were lying on top of crushed yellowish sandstone layer (2430), in keeping with the other walls excavated in this area of TR2W. The remains of the wall itself are too ephemeral to be able to place any certainty on its original form, character or function and it is likely to have been heavily truncated by later activity. However, its proximity to other similar walls in the area such as F726 - and larger load bearing structural walls F722 and F723 infers that they may be broadly contemporary.
- Ben Swain
- 14-10-2022
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- very roughly shaped sandstone blocks
- medium sized sandstone blocks
- very rough
- none
- linear
- East and west
- none
- L - W - T -
- remains in-situ as of 2022 season
Feature: LDF_725
- Approx N-S aligned possible internal partition wall of a structure in TR2W
Record Details
- Not set
- Elizabeth Tutty 22-9-2022
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