Short Description:
orange clay rubbly layer beneath (2306) in slot against northern LOE of TR2W
Issued to
Ben Swain | 22/09/2022
- Orangey clay layer containing very frequent amounts of rubble that may relate to extremely disturbed remnants of large wall F723 just to the south. The rubble is of a very similar form to the stones within wall F723. But at this point, no obvious discernible continuation of wall F723 can be observed in the intervention into layer (2399) as of the 2022 season. However, there is a substantial build up of rubble here and the layer has not been fully excavated. Further work may or may not refine the outline of this wall's continuation.
- Ben Swain
- 14-10-2022
- This material was fully excavated in 2023 revealing a foundation clay and crushed sandstone layer consistent with the foundation layers beneath walls F722 and F723
- Ben Swain
- 12-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- moderately compact
- mid orangey brown
- silty clay
- regular inclusions of medium to large sub angular to sub rounded sandstone, limestone and mudstone pieces
- L - 4.77+ W - 1.79+ T - 0.35
- Not fully excavated
- Hand Ex/damp
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Animal Bone | 1 | 10 | Tooth. (Year 2022) |
Bone | 33 | 183 | Mixed human/animal. Includes 1 fish vertebra. (Year 2022) |
Shell | 14 | 31 | (Year 2022) |
Stone | 4 | 23 | Quartz pebbles. DISCARDED. (Year 2022) |