Short Description:
Cut of grave containing Skeleton SK2384 near large flag stones, northern part of TR2W
Issued to
Libby Cowan | 21/09/2022
- Cut of a grave containing SK2384. This grave cuts through the large slab in the slot at the Northern end of TR2W and must post-date it. Likely a Norman burial as it cuts through early medieval features such as the slab, which is expected to be earlier or contemporary with the stone lined drain (which bends around it) and the big wall - which the drain seemingly cuts
- Ben Swain
- 3-10-2022
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- sub rectangular
- sub rounded
- L - 1.80 W - 0.60 D - 0.20
- Sharp
- E-W
- Fairly steep on S side, vertical where N side is cut through the flag stone
- Fairly sharp
- Flat
- N/A
- Grave cuts large flagstones to E of grave
Feature: LDF_716
- Burial containing SK2384, truncating through large slab near stone lined channel F724 in TR2W.
Record Details
- Not set
- Libby Cowan 21-9-2022
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