Short Description:
Fill of grave containing Skeleton SK2384 near large flag stones, northern part of TR2W
Issued to
Libby Cowan | 21/09/2022
- Backfill of a grave containing SK2384
- Ben Swain
- 3-10-2022
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderately loose
- dark greyish brown
- clayey silt
- regular small to medium sized sub angular sandstone pieces and charcoal flecks
- L - 1.80 W - 0.60 T - 0.20
- Hand Ex/damp
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Animal Bone | 37 | 110 | (Year 2022) |
Animal Bone | 13 | 2 | Fish bone. (Year 2022) |
Bone | 2 | 3 | Mixed human/animal. (Year 2022) |
Shell | 42 | 77 | Oyster (n16, 30g); Winkle (n26, 47g). (Year 2022) |
Stone | 6 | 85 | Quartz pebbles. DISCARDED. (Year 2022) |
Feature: LDF_716
- Burial containing SK2384, truncating through large slab near stone lined channel F724 in TR2W.
Record Details
- Not set
- Libby Cowan 21-9-2022
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