Short Description:
Light ashy sandy clay layer/fill internal to possible eastern flue of limekiln F217. Between walls 2346 and 2359
Issued to
Monty Oakley | 26/09/2021
- This deposit was not excavated as of the 2021 season but likely represents the fill of the supposed eastern flue of limekiln F217. The burnt ashy nature of this deposit including highly degraded limestone suggests its use as part of the industrial process of lime production. Being contained within the bounds of walls 2346 and 2359 further suggests its use as a flue/stoke hole or raking hole
- Ben Swain
- 26-9-2021
- Moderately compact
- Light whitish yellow
- Sandy clay
- 10-15% inclusions of small to medium sized sub angular limestone/sandstone pieces and flecks. Occssional gravel and possible burnt lime ash
- Length - 2.50m Width - 0.90m Thickness - unexcavated
- Unexcavated
- No records attached.
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_216552
Photo: LDF_216555
Plan: LDF_49
- Post ex plan of trench 2 west. 1:50. Sheet 34 and 36. Drawn by Karen, David Hazel, Chris Swindels and Jill Supervised by DW
- Karen Moritz
- 23-9-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Monty Oakley 26-9-2021
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