Short Description:
Dump of burnt limestone slumped in at the western edge of F217 limekiln pit
Issued to
Arthur Tucker | 24/09/2021
- Dump or slumping of burnt lime near the base of the western edge of the limekiln F217 in TR2(W)
- Ben Swain
- 25-9-2021
- Firm
- Light whiteish yellow
- Sandy silt
- Underneath burnt wood 10% small- large sub angular stone Chunks removed with stone embedded within them
- Length: 0.65 Width: 0.25 Thickness: 0.30
- Limestone related to kiln
- Hand ex/ dry
Feature: LDF_217
- Large Norman Limekiln pit in the northern area of TR2(W)
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_215871
Photo: LDF_215872
Photo: LDF_216484
Photo: LDF_216485
Photo: LDF_216487
Photo: LDF_216488
Record Details
- Not set
- Arthur Tucker 24-9-2021
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