Short Description:
Fill of grave [2308] containing SK2313
Issued to
Ryan Lopez | 20/09/2021
- Fill of grave [2308] containing SK2313. This fill likely represents the intentional backfilling of the grave once the body had been placed in. Very similar to the fill of layer 2163 above
- Ben Swain
- 23-9-2021
- Very compacted
- dark reddish brown
- Silty clay
- 5-10% stoney inclusions mix of angular, subangular and sub rounded stones. Some quartz pebbles and shells
- Length: 0.94m within LOE Width: 0.49m Depth: 0.29m
- Using small handtools, in dry conditions
Feature: LDF_298
- NE-SW aligned Burial in eastern slot of TR2 (W)
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_216547
Record Details
- Not set
- Ryan Lopez 20-9-2021
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