Short Description:
Cut of cist burial (SK2320)
Issued to
Haritha Gowind | 16/09/2021
- A cut for a burial
- Haritha Gowind
- 21-9-2021
- An elongated oval with the top being wider than the bottom
- Top and bottom are circular
- Length - 1.78 Width - 0.57 - 0.33 Depth - 0.26
- Sharp
- SW to NE
- Almost vertical
- Sharp to gradual
- Flat
- It cuts burial F278
- There were two stones near the edge of the cut but it is unclear whether they were placed intentionally to support the stone caps
Feature: LDF_284
- Burial with stone capping. Excavated in 2021
Plan: LDF_29
- Plan of tr 2 E (SW corner), with stone lined burial. 1:20. Sheet 32. Drawn by Jasmine and Isobel, Supervised by Indie
- Jasmine Regan Feldman
- 17-9-2021
Plan: LDF_48
- Plan of burial cuts and stone lined box cut in trench 2 east. 1:20. Sheet 32. Drawn by Freddy and Haritha. Supervised by Indie
- Frederick Wannop
- 21-9-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Haritha Gowind 16-9-2021
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