Short Description:
Highly disturbed ploughsoil layer beneath top soil covering most of trench 2 West 2021 extension
Issued to
Doug Hopper | 10/09/2021
- This likely represents a highly disturbed layer below the topsoil including frequent rubble fragments likely spread around by ploughing and modern disturbance
- Ben Swain
- 18-9-2021
- moderately loose
- dark greyish brown
- clayey silt
- 20-30% inclusions of small to medium sized sub angular chunks of sandstone and limestone, frequent charcoal inclusions and small rounded pebbles
- Length - 12.00m Width - 7.00m Thickness - 0.05m to 0.10m
- Covers almost entire area of 2021 TR2 (W) extension
- Hand Ex/dry
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Animal Bone | 19 | 10 | Fish bone. (Year 2022) |
Animal Bone | 253 | 1610 | (Year 2022) |
Ceramic Building Material | 1 | 7 | (Year 2022) |
Clay Tobacco Pipe | 2 | 2 | (Year 2022) |
Daub | 1 | 7 | (Year 2022) |
Glass | 1 | 6 | (Year 2022) |
Human bone | 18 | 473 | (Year 2022) |
Pot |
| 3 | (Year 2022) |
Shell | 73 | 392 | Oyster (n49, 339g); Winkle (n20, 40g); unidentified (n4, 13g) (Year 2022) |
Slag | 2 | 17 | Industrial waste; burnt material. (Year 2022) |
Stone |
| 345 | Quartz pebbles. DISCARDED. (Year 2022) |
Animal Bone | 629 | 3823 | Some teeth and some fish bone. (Year 2021) |
Bone | 208 | 277 | 2 burnt. (Year 2021) |
Other (add to description) | 55 | 16 | Charcoal. (Year 2021) |
Clay Tobacco Pipe | 33 | 83 | Includes 2 bowls and one burnt stem. (Year 2021) |
Copper Alloy Object | 1 | 1 | (Year 2021) |
Daub | 43 | 216 | (Year 2021) |
Ferrous Object | 27 | 417 | (Year 2021) |
Bone | 1 | 1 | Fish. (Year2021) |
Other (add to description) | 7 | 252 | 1 crinoid (10g). (Year 2021) |
Glass | 4 | 14 | Includes 1 piece of clear window glass. (Year 2021) |
Slag | 6 | 23 | (Year 2021) |
Metal | 1 | 4 | Modern button. (Year 2021) |
Pot | 25 | 128 | (Year 2021) |
Stone | 370 | 3003 | Quartz pebbles. DISCARDED (Year 2021) |
Shell | 241 | 934 | (Year 2021) |
Stone | 77 | 1818 | Mixed material, some burnt. (Year 2021) |
- No records attached.
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_215465
Photo: LDF_215469
Plan: LDF_49
- Post ex plan of trench 2 west. 1:50. Sheet 34 and 36. Drawn by Karen, David Hazel, Chris Swindels and Jill Supervised by DW
- Karen Moritz
- 23-9-2021
Find: LDF_231
- Unknown copper alloy coin
- Copper Alloy
Find: LDF_232
- Copper alloy coin
- Copper Alloy
Find: LDF_237
Find: LDF_247
- Copper alloy medieval coin
- Copper Alloy
Find: LDF_250
- Possible bronze/Cu alloy strap end
- Copper Alloy
Find: LDF_251
- Whetstone
- Stone
Find: LDF_257
- Carved stone
- Stone
Find: LDF_263
- St cuthberts bead
- Stone
Find: LDF_270
- Carved stone
- Stone
Find: LDF_301
- Bone comb fragment
- Bone
Find: LDF_303
- Anglo Saxon coin
- Copper Alloy
Find: LDF_305
- Anglo saxon coin
- Silver
Find: LDF_309
- Cu alloy object - possible gilding
- Copper Alloy
Find: LDF_317
- Possible blank namestone
- Stone
Find: LDF_319
- Lead object
- Lead
Record Details
- Not set
- Doug Hopper 10-9-2021
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