Short Description:
Dark reddish brown friable clayey silt fill of flue F294 with frequent stone rubble inclusions (as well as a skull and scapula)
Issued to
Ceri Pennington | 13/09/2020
- This was a fill in the possible stoke hole or flue of F217, within the fill a skull was revealed and this fill was only excavated in order to remove the skull. It is possibly the some of the earliest fill in F217.
- Nat Jackson
- 21-9-2020
- Having been fully excavated in the 2021 season, it seems apparent that this fill forms some sort of structural collapse perhaps relating to a roof or capping for the flue itself. Isolated to the flue F294 and not extending into the limekiln pit F217 itself, this suggests its function related specifically to the flue, or collapse/demolition thereof, supporting the hypothesis that the fill (2165) of F217 was a discreet intentional backfilling of the limekiln pit after it had gone out of use and appears to post date the collapse/demolition of the flue.
- Ben Swain
- 29-9-2021
- Soft friable
- Reddish brown
- Clayey silt
- 20-25% slate-like angular flat shattered stones, occasional daub like material, occasional charcoal flecks
- Length - 0.47m Width - 0.47m Depth - 0.62m
- Small finds 2020: 206 Fossil Bead x1 7g Circular: 17mm, dark star-shaped central core with dark in-fill, 10.5mm thick, one flat surface has 3 small chips of material missing. The other flat surface has 1 larger chip of material missing that has removed almost 1/4 of the surface, beige/light-brown. In 2021, upon excavation, two distinct lenses of charcoal and/or burnt wood were recovered at the base of this fill and resting on top of the cut of the pit within the flue(s). Samples were taken of this burnt wood/charcoal. One lens measured approx 0.90mx0.40m whilst the second measured 0.65mx0.60m. These were left in-situ with only a small sample taken. Sample numbers 208 and 209
- Hand ex / fair
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Bone | 5 | 4 | (Year 2020) |
Ceramic Building Material | 9 | 19 | (Year 2020) |
Shell | 35 | 456 | Cockle n=5, 4g; Oyster n=1, 31g; Winkle n=25, 420g; Mussel n=1, 1g (Year 2020) |
Stone | 2 | 10 | Quartz pebbles - Discarded (Year 2020) |
Stone | 1 | 3 | (Year 2020) |
Animal Bone | 3 | 6 | (Year 2021) |
Other (add to description) | 2 | Charcoal. (Year 2021) | |
Ferrous Object | 1 | 2 | (Year 2021) |
Human bone | 2 | Adult. (Caffell, A. 2022). (Year 2021) | |
Other (add to description) | 13 | 102 | (Year 2021) |
Shell | 16 | 48 | (Year 2021) |
Stone | 6 | 51 | Quartz pebbles. DISCARDED. (Year 2021) |
Stone | 44 | 643 | Burnt sandstone, some fragments with mortar adhering. (Year 2021) |
Feature: LDF_294
- Probable flue or stokehole associated with limekiln pit F217
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_215560
Plan: LDF_26
- 2020 Post-ex plan of Trench 2 (West). Sheet 16-22, 31. 1:20. Sheet 16 drawn by Ben Swain and James Combe. Sheet 17 drawn by George Wilkins and Ben Swain. Sheet 18 drawn by Ben Swain. Sheet 19 drawn by Claire Gamble and George Wilkins. Sheet 20 drawn by Ed Bates and James Combe. Supervised by Ben Swain. Sheet 21-22, 31 drawn by Nat Jackson.
- Edward Bates
- 19-9-2020
Sample: LDF_198
- Arthur Tucker
- 19-9-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Ceri Pennington 13-9-2020
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