Short Description:
Cut of grave F233, sk2130 nw corner tr2
Issued to
Judy Murray | 11/09/2020
- Cut of burial Sk2130 located in the nw extension of trench 2. The burial was initially observed in 2019 with only the feet exposed, it was fully excavated in 2020. It was east to west aligned and cut wall F213.
- Nat Jackson
- 2-10-2020
- Rectangular
- Rounded
- Length - 1.60m Width - 0.47m Depth - 0.13m
- Sharp
- E-W
- Steep/vertical
- Sharp
- Flat
- Truncates wall F213
Feature: LDF_233
- Skeleton - Articulated human remains, the burial cuts wall F213
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_200568
Record Details
- Not set
- Judy Murray 11-9-2020
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