Short Description:
Graveyard soil excavated from E side of trench 2 in 2020 season
Issued to
Ceri Pennington | 10/09/2020
- Graveyard soil. Equal to 2015. Number given to finds removed as part of the 2020 cleaning layer.
- Elizabeth Tutty
- 18-9-2020
- hard
- mid orangey brown
- clayey silt
- Frequent large sub-angular sandstone. Frequent small sandstone pieces.
- Number refers to the 2020 cleaning layer. See (2015).
- Small finds 2020: 187 Ferrous object Object x1 40g Needle-shaped, 144mm long, thickness varies between 3-16mm, corroded, orangey-brown 198 Fossil Bead x1 1g Circular: 4mm diameter, resembles a tiny doughnut with a pin-prick hole in the centre, cream/light brown
- Hand ex. Cleaning layer for 2020. Bone removed during lifting of burials F228, F229, F225 is attributed to this layer.
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Animal Bone | 14 | 163 | (Year 2020) |
Bone | 317 | 503 | Includes 1 tooth (1g) (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 408 | 3147 | Multiple body regions including ear bone, vertebral fragments, foot and 1 molar. (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 44 | 624 | Skull 2 - ? Trauma. Includes loose bones and fragments (Year 2020) |
Stone | 95 | 857 | Quartz pebbles - Discarded (Year 2020) |
Animal Bone | 1 | 4 | Fish bone (Year 2020) |
Shell | 30 | 53 | Cockle n=1 , 1g; Oyster n=21, 458g; Winkle n=8, 7g. (Year 2020) |
Slag | 1 | 14 | (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 1 | 1 | Skull 1 - hyoid bone (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 1 | 1 | Skull 1 - ear bone (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 115 | 482 | Skull 1 (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 2 | 4 | Skull 1 - teeth (Year 2020) |
- No records attached.
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_200850
Photo: LDF_200856
Photo: LDF_200860
Photo: LDF_200862
Photo: LDF_201387
Photo: LDF_201389
Photo: LDF_201390
Photo: LDF_201392
Photo: LDF_204415
Photo: LDF_204416
Photo: LDF_204427
Photo: LDF_204459
Record Details
- Not set
- Ceri Pennington 10-9-2020
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