Short Description:
Homogenous pinkish brown sandstone cobble fill of limekiln pit F217, likely intentional backfill of the limekiln
Issued to
Timothy Lidbetter | 10/09/2020
- The latest layer of infilling within F217, a fairly homogenous fill made up of silty clay and degrading/ degraded sandstone cobbles.
- Nat Jackson
- 21-9-2020
- The homogenous nature of this fill throughout most of the depth of the limekiln pit suggests that it represents a single backfilling event, likely using red/pink sandstone waste products from the construction of the priory once completed, or at least once the limekiln went out of use.
- Ben Swain
- 29-9-2021
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Moderately firm, friable
- Pinkish brown
- Sandy silt
- Very frequent cobbles, occasional small stones, occasional baked clay (dauby? material)
- Length - 5.70m + Width - 4.32m + Thickness - 0.42m
- Small finds 2020: 197 Daub Object x1 22g "Two layers Top layer: white, resembles stone Bottom layer: clay coloured, claylike texture Top layer: 64 x 27 x 14.5-5.5mm Bottom layer: 53 x 22.5 x 22mm at deepest point The two layers are separated by a thin (<1mm) grey boundary" 215 Fossil Bead x1 5g St Cuthberts bead - 1cm diameter, 0.4cm thick 216 Stone Object x1 2g Worked stone ball - 1.5cm in diameter
- Hand ex, fair
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Animal Bone | 14 | 51 | (Year 2020) |
Bone | 35 | 296 | (Year 2020) |
Ceramic Building Material | 29 | 965 | (Year 2020) |
Other (add to description) | 32 | 46 | Charcoal (Year 2020) |
Flint | 1 | 3 | (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 4 | 50 | |
Other (add to description) | 4 | 102 | Industrial waste (Year 2020) |
Lead Object | 2 | 2 | (Year 2020) |
Stone | 69 | 598 | Quartz pebbles - Discarded (Year 2020) |
Shell | 197 | 538 | Cockle n=7, 10g; Oyster n=54, 250g, Winkle n=135, 277g; Mussel n=1, 1g. (Year 2020) |
Slag | 30 | 395 | Includes 1 piece (10g) of stone encrusted within slag. (Year 2020) |
Stone | 2 | 1065 | 1 piece (159g) described as worked; 1 piece (906g) chiselled. (Year 2020) |
Animal Bone | 40 | 136 | (Year 2021) |
Bone | 5 | 28 | Mixed human/animal. (Year 2021) |
Other (add to description) | 6 | Charcoal. (Year 2021) | |
Other (add to description) | 3 | 165 | Mortar with charcoal fragments on surface. (Year 2021) |
Shell | 188 | 832 | (Year 2021) |
Stone | 13 | 160 | Quartz pebbles. DISCARDED. (Year 2021) |
Ceramic Building Material | 8 | 204 | (Year 2021) |
Feature: LDF_217
- Large Norman Limekiln pit in the northern area of TR2(W)
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_201407
Photo: LDF_201895
Photo: LDF_201898
Photo: LDF_201900
Photo: LDF_201925
Photo: LDF_201929
Photo: LDF_201931
Photo: LDF_204442
Photo: LDF_204443
Photo: LDF_204447
Photo: LDF_204451
Photo: LDF_204452
Photo: LDF_204453
Photo: LDF_204457
Photo: LDF_215871
Photo: LDF_215872
Photo: LDF_216484
Photo: LDF_216485
Photo: LDF_216487
Photo: LDF_216488
Photo: LDF_216489
Plan: LDF_26
- 2020 Post-ex plan of Trench 2 (West). Sheet 16-22, 31. 1:20. Sheet 16 drawn by Ben Swain and James Combe. Sheet 17 drawn by George Wilkins and Ben Swain. Sheet 18 drawn by Ben Swain. Sheet 19 drawn by Claire Gamble and George Wilkins. Sheet 20 drawn by Ed Bates and James Combe. Supervised by Ben Swain. Sheet 21-22, 31 drawn by Nat Jackson.
- Edward Bates
- 19-9-2020
Plan: LDF_49
- Post ex plan of trench 2 west. 1:50. Sheet 34 and 36. Drawn by Karen, David Hazel, Chris Swindels and Jill Supervised by DW
- Karen Moritz
- 23-9-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Timothy Lidbetter 10-9-2020
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