Short Description:
Skeleton (example)
Issued to
Indie Jago | 29/05/2020
- No Interpretations
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Describe how the body is positioned in the ground. Is it supine (face up), prone (face down), crouched (on their left or right side), extended?
- Describe how the head is positioned, and note whether any parts are missing. Is it Facing upwards/downwards, facing to the right, facing to the left?
- Describe the position of the right arm and hand, and note whether any parts are missing. E.g. upper am extended by side, Lower arm crossed over body with hand resting over the pelvis.
- Describe the position of the right arm and hand, and note whether any parts are missing. E.g. upper am extended by side, Lower arm crossed over body with hand resting over the pelvis.
- Describe the positioning of the right leg, and note whether any parts are missing. e.g. Leg straight, crossed over left at ankles.
- Describe the positioning of the right leg, and note whether any parts are missing. e.g. Leg straight, crossed under right at ankles.
- Describe the positioning of the left leg, and note whether any parts are missing. Crossed, extended, right on top of left etc.
- Describe any damage or degradation to the skeleton prior to lifting. Deterioration evident on left tibia and right scapula. Loss of bone around lower right pelvis.
- Record any accidental or unavoidable damage to the skeleton that occurs during excavation or lifting. This may affect interpretation later if not recorded. E.g. bone in good state after lifting, though with some minor damage to the right scapula.
- Include any other information that may assist the description and aid in the interpretation of the skeleton. Has the burial been truncated or disturbed in the past? Are there signs of any obvious illnesses or injuries? Are clear burial practices evident? Are there any SF associated with the burial?