Short Description:
Cut of grave of adult skeleton 2095
Issued to
Elizabeth Tutty | 11/09/2019
- Burial cut
- Indie Jago
- 21-9-2020
- Linear cut, cut close to body, rounded around the head, E end under baulk
- Rounded
- Length - 0.42m LOE Width- 0.44m Depth- not excavated
- Gradual
- E-W
- Non perceptible
- not perceptible
- flat
- Cannot be seen as not excavated
- Cut by furrow
- first exposed in 2019, visible part of skeleton lifted in 2021.
Feature: LDF_222
- Skeleton - Articulated human remains in S of slot against the bulk in trench 2 W. Lower chest and below are under baulk
Record Details
- Not set
- Elizabeth Tutty 11-9-2019
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