Short Description:
articulated skeleton in center of E side of trench.
Issued to
Diana Tanaka | 08/09/2019
- articulated burial, within stone lined grave.
- Christina Smith
- 18-9-2020
- The burial was placed on top of the box F702, after lifting the burial and cleaning further in the area it was clear that the box was a separate feature opposed to a grave lining and this was excavated in 2021.
- Indie Jago
- 15-2-2022
- Lower half of body appears to be supine, however the torso appears to have been twisted and is partially lying on right side facing south, possibly to make the inhumation fit into the grave which appears to be stone lined
- Facing south on right hand side
- under torso. right hand and left hand are next to each other. Could not be separated when lifting.
- Arm is semi flexed with hands placed over pelvis
- Extended supine
- Extended supine
- Only ankles visible, appear to be flexed
- General preservation seems to be good however the skull is damaged as is much if the torso
- Good, pre existing fractures in bones (which around the torso and skull where many) broke the bones when lifting. After lifting it was sent that the burial was placed onto of a dense patch of rubble, this caused damage to the bones.
- Extra body parts where in very close proximity to the burial. These have been bagged as misc in case they were from SK2107 and had moved post deposition, but most probably relate to 2166.
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Animal Bone | 12 | 9 | (Year 2019) |
Human bone | 1 | 9 | (Year 2019) |
Shell | 1 | 2 | Cockle (Year 2019) |
Stone | 3 | 18 | Quartz pebbles Discarded (Year 2019) |
Human bone | 4 | 240 | Right arm (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 124 | 510 | Skull (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 68 | 408 | Vertebrae (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 60 | 170 | Right ribs (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 4 | 229 | Left arm (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 7 | 544 | Left leg (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 11 | 536 | Right leg (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 61 | 496 | Pelvis (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 50 | 103 | Hands (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 8 | 137 | Feet (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 46 | 165 | Left ribs (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 21 | 26 | Left clavicle and scapula (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 19 | 80 | Right scapula and clavicle (Year 2020) |
Human bone | 42 | 70 | Miscellaneous (maybe from SK2166). (Year 2020) |
Feature: LDF_228
- Burial - Articulated human remains above stone box F702.
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_193621
Photo: LDF_193623
Photo: LDF_200010
Photo: LDF_204417
Photo: LDF_204420
Sample: LDF_137
- Chris Swindells
- 12-9-2020
Record Details
- Not set
- Diana Tanaka 8-9-2019
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