Short Description:
Large stone fill of pit in NE corner of W part of trench 2
Issued to
Elizabeth Tutty | 08/09/2019
- Large stone capping fill of a pit seen in the NE of trench 2. The full extent of the pit is not currently visible and so the function of the feature is currently unknown. It is possible that this is a midden pit as a deposit of animal bone was on top of it and then a deposit of shells were seen beneath it.
- Nat Jackson
- 1-10-2020
- Firm
- Mid greyish brown
- Large stone sub angular stones supported by a sandy silt matrix
- N/A
- Length- 1.26m LOE Width - 0.70m LOE Thickness- 0.49m
- Trowelled
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Animal Bone | 8 | 252 | Includes 1 horn (Year 2019) |
Human bone | 2 | 9 | (Year 2019) |
Shell | 26 | 82 | Winkle (Year 2019) |
Shell | 1 | 30 | Oyster (Year 2019) |
Stone | 42 | 527 | Quartz pebbles Discarded (Year 2019) |
Feature: LDF_221
- Pit in NE of W side of trench 2.
Site Photos
Photo: LDF_190410
Photo: LDF_190413
Record Details
- Not set
- Elizabeth Tutty 8-9-2019
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