Short Description:
Part of the upper fill in F217, loose brown soil probably indicating burials in the area
Issued to
Katherine Briggs | 16/09/2018
- This context is the same as (2070)(2072)(2132) and (2165)
- Nat Jackson
- 1-10-2020
- The loose brown soil probably indicates burials in the area, whilst (2165) was being excavated it became increasingly apparent that this was likely.
- Nat Jackson
- 1-10-2020
- Soft
- Mid brown
- Sandy clay
- 10% small sub angular poorly sorted stones
- Length - 5.70m + Width - 4.32m + Thickness - 0.42m
- This context is the same as (2070)(2072)(2132) and (2165)
- Trowelled in sunny conditions
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Animal Bone | 2 | 4 | (Year 2018) |
Ceramic Building Material | 1 | 5 | (Year 2018) |
Shell | 4 | 12 | 1 Winkle (6g), 3 Oyster (6g)(Year 2018) |
Stone | 4 | 22 | Quartz pebbles (Year 2018) |
Animal Bone | 4 | 6 | includes 2 teeth (Year 2019) |
Flint | 1 | 6 | (Year 2019) |
Human bone | 15 | 110 | (Year 2019) |
Pot | 1 | 2 | (Year 2019) |
Shell | 1 | 2 | Winkle (Year 2019) |
Shell | 1 | 2 | Cockle (Year 2019) |
Shell | 8 | 165 | Oyster (Year 2019) |
Stone | 4 | 14 | Quartz pebbles Discarded (Year 2019) |