Short Description:
A rubble layer in the south part of the eastern side of trench 2
Issued to
Anne Campbell | 20/07/2017
- Very compact rubble which could indicate intentional levelling.
- Tobias Busemann
- 22-7-2017
- Same as 2009.
- Indie Jago
- 19-9-2020
- Compact
- Very dark yellowish brown
- Clayey sand
- 70% inclusions with sub-angular & sub-rounded shape
- Length - 6.00 m Width - 3.00 m Depth - not fully excavated
- Same as 2009. See sheet 2009.
- Trowel, mattock & mini mattock
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Bone | 363 | 1347 | Human/animal, 19 teeth (Year 2017) |
Other (add to description) | 121 | 1381 | (Year 2017) |
Ferrous Object | 1 | 19 | (Year 2017) |
Animal Bone | 3 | 9 | Animal teeth (Year 2018) |
Bone | 11 | 18 | (Year 2018) |
Bone | 1 | 1 | Fish (Year 2018) |
Human bone | 53 | 357 | Skull 2 (Year 2018) |
Human bone | 27 | 233 | Skull 1 mandible (Year 2018) |
Human bone | 9 | 7 | Skull 1 teeth (Year 2018) |
Human bone | 106 | 385 | Skull 1 (Year 2018) |
Human bone | 457 | 4374 | Disarticulated human remains (Year 2018) |
Human bone | 13 | 13 | Teeth (Year 2018) |
Shell | 6 | 13 | Oyster (Year 2018) |
Slag | 1 | 64 | (Year 2018) |
Stone | 106 | 1104 | Quartz pebbles (Year 2018) |
Stone | 1 | 79 | Worked? (Year 2018) |
Human bone | 145 | 534 | Skull number two (Year 2018) |
Human bone | 7 | 6 | Skull number two (teeth) (Year 2018) |
- No records attached.
Plan: LDF_20
- Post ex plan of trench 2 west. Sheet 7.
- Megan Lillington
- 27-7-2017
Find: LDF_46
- Iron Nail possibly related to the cemetery
- Iron
Find: LDF_49
- Small iron object either a stud or button
- Iron
Find: LDF_52
- Hand made iron nail possibly related to the cemetery
- Iron
Find: LDF_55
- Hand made iron nail possibly medieval and related to the cemetery
- Iron
Find: LDF_88
- Corroded iron hook or latch
- Iron
Record Details
- Not set
- Anne Campbell 20-7-2017
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