Short Description:
Stone layer
Issued to
Tobias Busemann | 23/06/2016
- Large conglomeration of sandstone blocks and whether if they are placed purposefully within a cut - Not fully excavated so full extent is unknown.
- Raksha Dave
- 28-7-2016
- Layer – Possible clay and stone capping of a burial mound
- Brian Stokes
- 6-9-2018
- No burial associated with the stones. In plough furrow running E-W and quite high, possibly clipped by stones and moved into alignment by ploughing and not purposeful. Feature not real. Part of 2009.
- Indie Jago
- 20-9-2020
- Hard
- Mid greyish brown
- Sandy clay
- 70% large sandstone blocks 0.3 m x 0.2 m largest.
- Length - 1.65 m Width - 0.35 m Depth - 0.20 m
- Trowel dry