Short Description:
Cut feature situated immediately north of wall [1069].
Issued to
Daniel Hunt | 20/09/2023
- Possible linear ditch feature running parallel to wall [1069]. Function unknown.
- Daniel Hunt
- 24-9-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Shape in unclear in plan, however, it can be postulated to run roughly parallel to wall [1069] due to to the alignment of tumbled stones deposited within the feature. There were three large stone deposited in a row, all of which looked as though have had tumbled from wall [1069]
- Indiscernable
- w (projected) approx 2m x d 63cm x h 22cm
- Sharp
- Likely aligned E/W based on alignment of tumbled stones within the feature.
- Concave
- Gradual
- Concave
- Not truncated or truncated
Feature: LDF_113
- Linear feature seen in the south west of tr1 running parallel with F111
Record Details
- Not set
- Daniel Hunt 20-9-2023
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