Context | Type | Short Description | Issued to | Issued on | Options |
LA_10005 | Cut | Cut of post hole | Julie Inett | 10-7-2014 | |
LA_10006 | Fill | Fill of posthole [10005] | Julie Inett | 10-7-2014 | |
LA_28008 | Fill | Lower Fill of feature 2801 | Caroline Hoyes | 21-9-2016 | |
LA_4019 | Layer | Deposit | Brendon Wilkins | 9-7-2013 | |
LA_4020 | Layer | Deposit | Brendon Wilkins | 9-7-2013 | |
LA_9008 | Fill | Fill of post-medieval midden pit [9009] | Matthew Juddery | 18-7-2014 |