Short Description:
Fill of large pit [1007] at north of excavation
Issued to
Josh Hogue | 12/10/2018

- Dark brown colour suggests relatively high quantity of organic material. Backfill or secondary use as refuse pit?
- Josh Hogue
- 22-10-2018
- Firm
- Mid greyish brown
- Clayey silt
- Moderate angular Greenstone fragments. Occasional rounded quartzite and sandstone pebbles. Occasional sub-rounded flint pebbles.
- Thickness - 0.26 m
- Occasional rooting.
- Hand excavated with mattock and shovel. Dry and partially cloudy.
Feature: WIT_103
- Large pit at north of excavation
Site Photos
Photo: WIT_180007
Record Details
- Josh Hogue 12-10-2018
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