Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust
N looking photo of corn dryer in Tr3 F301. 1m scale
S looking record shot of section of structure [3010]. 0.4m scale
W looking record shot of structure [3010] and pit [3002]. 2m scale
E looking record shot of structure [3010]. 0.4m scale
E looking record shot of pit [3002]. 2m scale
E looking group shot of structure [3010] and pit [3002]. 2 and 0.4m scales
W looking photo of post hole [2193]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2191]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of small shallow pit [2189]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2185]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2183]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2179]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2177]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2175]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2173]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2171]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2167]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2165]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2163]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2161]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2159]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2157]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2155]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2153]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2151]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2149]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of post hole [2145]. 0.4m scale
E looking record shot of section [3010]. 0.4m scale
W looking record shot of charcoal rich layer [3012]. 2 x 1m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2147]. 0.4m scale
E looking plan shot of post hole [3007]. 0.4m scale
E looking photo of west facing section of pit [3002] . 1m scale
E looking photo of west facing section of pit [3002] and charcoal layer [3006]. 1m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2181]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2137]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2135]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2127]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2121]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2119]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2115]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2103]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2087]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2021]. 0.4m scale
S looking post hole [2025]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of post hole [2005]. 0.4m scale
E looking photo of in situ rubble fill of [3002]. 1m scale
N looking photo of [2352] quadrant [2357] in square feature [2351]. 1m scales
W looking photo of [2352] quadrant [2357] in square feature [2351]. 2 x 1m scales
NW looking photo of [2352] quadrant [2357] in square feature [2351]. 2 x 1m scales
S looking record photo of post hole [2107]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2097]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2081]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2079]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2075]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2073]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2069]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2049]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2045]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2041]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2027]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2023]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2021]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [2015]. 0.4m scale
N looking record photo of post hole [2231]. 0.4m scale
N looking record photo of post hole [2233]. 0.4m scale
N looking record photo of linear [2209] and pit [2239]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of linear [2209] and pit [2241]. 0.4m scale
E looking record photo of pits [2239], [2241] . 1m scale
E looking group record shot of pits [2241], [2239], and linear [2209] . 1m scale
E looking photo of pit/well [4939] . 2m scale (not all visible)
E looking photo of pit/well [4939] . 2m scale
E looking photo of pit/well [4939] and ditch relationship. 2m scale
S looking photo of N facing section of pit [4935] cut by grave [4897]. 1m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [4406]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [4404]. 0.4m scale
E looks record photo of post hole and linear [4925] and [4448]. 0.4m scale
E looking record of post hole and linear [4925] and [4448]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of pit and post hole [4472] and [4915]. 0.4m scale
E looking record photo of grave [4912]. 1m scale
Record of post hole [4490] and linear [4293]. 0.4m scale
E looking record photo of post holes [4482], [4490] and linear [4293]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [4482]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [4921]. 0.4m scale
E looking record photo of linear and post hole [4919] and [4917]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of group of post holes [4486], [4488], [4440]. 1m scale
E looking photo post holes [4907] and [4909]. 1m scale
S looking photo of posthole [4334]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of posthole [4330]. 0.4m scale
E looking record shot of SK4913. 1m scale
W looking record photo of grave cut [4400]. 1m, 0.4m scale
W looking record photo of grave cut. 1m scale
W looking record photo of SK4900. 1m scale
S looking record shot of SK4898. 1m scale
SE looking record photo of post hole [4462]. 0.4m scale
SE looking record photo of post hole [4466]. 0.4m scale
SE looking record photo of post hole [4426]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [4468]. 0.4m scale
SE looking record of post hole [4470]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of record photo of post hole [4458]. 0.4m scale
SE looking record photo of post hole [4460]. 0.4m scale
E looking photo of Iron Age storage pit [4895]. 1m scale
S looking record photo of post hole [4478]. 0.4 scale
S looking record photo of post hole [4474]. 0.4 scale
N looking photo of pit [4893]. 1m scale
SW looking record shot Sk4880. 1m scale
W looking photo of roman ditches [4882] and [4884]. 1m scale
S looking photo of cut of large post hole [4878]. 0.2m scale
S looking record shot of grave cut [4875]. 0.4m scale
S looking record shot of SK4876. 0.4m scale
S looking record shot of SK4864. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of post hole [4872]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of E facing section of ditch [4859] 2m scale
NE looking photo of SW facing section of ditch [4866] and gully [4868]. 1m scale
S looking photo of grave cut [4856]. 0.2m scale
Record shot of SK4857. 0.2m scale
N looking photo of S facing section of pit [4806]. 1m scale
N looking photo of S facing section of shallow pit [4843]. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of S facing section of posthole [4845]. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of S facing section of pit [4854]. 1m scale
S looking photo of ring ditches [4272] & [4274]. 1m scale
S looking photo of ring ditch [4274]. 0.2m scale
S looking photo of ring ditch [4272] with mandible in section. 0.2m scale
N looking photo of S flue after burnt clay material removed and post holes [4848], [4850] and [4852]. …
N looking photo of S flue after burnt clay material removed and post holes [4848], [4850] and [4852] …
N looking photo of pit [4785]. 1m scale
N looking photo of pit [4803]. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of post hole [4826]. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of relationship between gully [4797] and ditch [4831]. 0.4m scale
NE looking photo of relationship between gully [4797] and ditch [4831]. 0.4m scale
NW looking photo of relationship between gully [4797] and ditch [4831]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of two gullies [4773] and [4775]. 0.4m scale
SE looking record shot of relationship of plough scar cutting ditch [4799] and [4801]. 0.4m scale
S looking record photo of relationship of plough scar cutting ditch [4799] and [4801]. 0.4m scale
NE looking shot showing relationship between ditches [4779] and [4781]. 1m scale
NE looking record shot showing relationship between ditches [4779] and [4781]. 1m scale
W looking record photo of SF104. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF103. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF102. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF101. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF100. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF99. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF98. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF97. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF96. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF95. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF94. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF93. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF92. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF91. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF90. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of SF89. 0.05m scale
W looking record photo of ditch [4823]. 2m scale
W looking record photo of corn dryer [4100]. No scale
NW looking record photo of corn dryer [4100]. No scale
W looking record photo of corn dryer [4100]. 1m scale
Indie standing in corn dryer [4100].
W looking record of SF87. 0.5m scale
W looking record of bone comb SF84 - wider shot. 0.1m scale
W looking record of bone comb SF84. 0.1m scale
E looking record shot of SK4787. 1m scale
W looking record shot of SK4787. 1m scale
SW looking photo of NE facing section of ring gully [4809]. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of S facing section of intercutting ditches [4815] and [4817]. 0.4m scale
N looking plan shot of intercutting post holes [4813], [4815], [4817] and ring gully [4811]. 0.4m scale …
NW looking photo of SE facing section of ring gully terminus [4811]. 0.4m scale
S looking photo of N facing section of ring gully terminus [4819]. 0.4m scale
S looking record shot of ring gully terminus [4819]. 0.4m scale
NW looking plan shot of outer ring gully [4791] being cut by E-W roman ditch. 1m scale
W looking photo of E facing section of ring ditch [4791] - area shot. 1m scale
W looking photo of E facing section of ring ditch [4791]. 1m scale
E looking photo along section in N dryer of corn dryer [4100] going S-N. 2m scale (not all scale visible) …
E looking photo of N-S section through N dryer [4100]. 2m scale.
NNW looking record shot of infant burial SK4789. 0.4m scale
SE looking photo of NW facing section of post hole [4759] at end of ring gully [4761]. 0.4m scale.
S looking photo of post hole [4757] after 100% excavation. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of post hole [4757] after 100% excavation. 0.4m scale
E looking photo of ring ditch terminus [4761] and post hole [4759]. 1m scale
NW looking photo of ring ditch [4751] and ring gully [4753]. 1m scale
N looking photo of ring gully [4753] cutting gully [4755]. 1m scale.
S looking photo of ring ditch [4751] and ring gully [4753] - area shot. 1m scale.
SE looking photo of ring ditch [4751] and ring gully [4753] - area shot. 1m scale.
S looking photo of ring ditch [4751] and ring gully [4753]. 1m scale.
SE looking photo of ring gully terminus [4748] - wider shot. 0.4m scale
SE looking record photo of ring gully terminus [4748] - close up. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of north flue of corn dryer [4100]. 1m scale.
S looking photo of burning layer and robber cuts in corn dryer [4100]. 2m scale.
W looking photo of corn dryer [4100]. 2m scale
ENE looking photo of WSW facing section of gullies [4734], [4736] and posthole [4738]. 1m scale
NE looking photo of ring ditch terminus and pit. 0.4m scale
N looking photo fo deposit of pottery and slag in [4729]. 1m scale
SE looking photo of curved linear/ring ditch [4730] and post hole [4732]. 0.4m scale
Cut of curved linear/ring ditch [4726] and post hole [4724]. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of cut of curved linear/ring ditch [4726] and post hole [4724]. 0.4m scale
SW looking photo of ditch [4696], F#414, pit [4312]. 2m scale
NW looking photo of slot in pit cluster [4719], [4721], [4300], [4302], [4304]. 1m scale.
E looking photo of pit [4306]. 1m scale
NE looking photo of ditch [4696] and pits [4717] and [4308]. 2m scale
W looking photo of east facing section through S flume. 1m scale
N looking record shot of SK4714. 0.4m scale.
W looking record shot of SK4709 and SK4711. 1m scale.
E looking photo of burning at base of S flume before sampling. 1m scale.
Burning at base of S flume before sampling
Record shot of SK4711. 0.4m scale.
Cut of post hole [4694]. 0.4m scale.
S looking photo of post hole [4694]. 0.4m scale.
S looking photo of post hole [4388]. 0.4m scale.
S looking photo of post hole [4386] and [4686]. 0.4m scale.
S looking photo of post hole [4382]. 0.4m scale.
W looking photo of linear [4262] and post holes [4266] and [4260]. 2m scale
SW looking photo of ditches [4680] and [4012]. 2m scale.
S looking Record shot of grave [4660] and stone lining. 1m scale.
NE looking photo of SW. Fac. Sec. posthole [4677], 0.2m scale.
NE looking photo SW. Fac. Sec. posthole [4675], 0.2m scale.
NE looking section of SW. Fac. Sec. posthole [4675], 0.2m scale.
NW looking photo of SE. Fac. Sec. posthole [4671], 0.2m scale.
NE looking photo of SW. fac. Sec. posthole [4673], 0.2m scale.
NE looking section SW. fac. Sec. posthole [4673], 0.2m scale.
SW looking photo of NE. Fac. Sec. of ditch terminus [4665], 1m scale.
SW looking photo of NE. Fac. Sec. of ditch [4667] cutting ditch [4669]. 1m scale.
NE. Fac. Sec. of ditch [4667] cutting ditch [4669]. 1m scale.
NE looking record photo of pits [4663] and [4684]. 1m scale.
N looking record photo of pit [4663]. 1m scale.
SW looking photo of pit [4684] and linear [4262]. 2m scale.
S looking record shot of SK 4661. 1m scale
SE looking working shot of rubble layer (4887) next to corn dryer. 1m scale
NE looking working shot of corn dryer [4100]. 1m scale.
W looking working shot of corn dryer [4100]. 1m scale.
Henry digging in trench 4
Ben planning ring ditch in trench 4 [4054] / [4070]
looking photo of Corn dryer - working photo of burnt area after heavy clean. 1m scale
NE looking photo of Corn dryer - working photo of burnt area after heavy clean. 1m scale
W looking photo of Corn dryer [4100] working photo after heavy clean. 1m scale.
NW looking photo of pit [4056] and ring gully [4054] / [4070]. 2m scale.
N looking photo of Post hole [4656]. 0.4m scale.
NW looking photo of Pit [4056] and ring gully [4054] / [4070]. 2m scale.
W looking photo of ring gully [4653]. 0.4m scale.
N looking area shot of pit [4056], ring gully [4054] / [4070], post hole [4053]. 2m scale.
W looking photo of corn dryer section 4100. 1m scale.
W looking photo of corn dryer 4100. 1m scale.
N looking photo of grave [4648]. 1m scale.
NNW looking photo of SK4649. 1m scale.
SW looking photo Of ditch [4640], and pits [4646], [4644], [4592], [4590]. No scale.
NE looking photo Of ditch [4640], and pits [4646], [4644], [4592], [4590]. No scale.
NE looking photo of Nw. Fac. Sec. Of ditch [4640], and pits [4646], [4644], [4592], [4590]. 1m scale. …
SE looking photo of Nw. Fac. Sec. Of ditch [4640], and pits [4646], [4644], [4592], [4590]. 1m scale. …
NW looking photo of SE. Fac. Sec. Of ditch [4640], and pits [4644], [4588], [4594]. 1m scale.
NW looking photo of SE. Fac. Sec. Of ditch [4640], and pits [4644], [4588], [4595]. 2m scale.
W looking photo of small pit [4633] cut by [4100] and posthole [4638]. 1m scale.
W looking photo of flue liner. 0.4m scale.
NNW looking photo of section of 2nd slot through corn dryer. 1m scale
E looking photo of ditch [4610]. 2m scale
E looking photo of section through ditches [4600], [4603] and gully [4606]. 2m scale.
E looking photo of section through ditches and gullies. 2m scale.
N looking photo of grave 4596. 1m scale.
N looking photo of Semi-articulated animal bone in ditch fill (4599). 0.4m scale
S looking record shot of SK 4597, grave [4596]. 1m scale.
S looking record shot of SK 4597, grave [4596]. 1,m scale.
SE looking photo of NW. facing relationship Slot including 4588, 4590, 4592, and 4594. 1m scale.
NW looking photo of SE. facing relationship Slot including 4588, 4590, 4592, and 4594. 1m scale.
NE looking photo of SW. facing relationship Slot including 4588, 4590, 4592, and 4594. 1m scale.
Backfilling trench 5/6
General trench shots Tr. 6 turning area
S looking photo of S rectangular drier. 1m scale.
N looking photo of cut [4585]. 1m scale.
SE looking photo of SK4586. 1m scale.
Area shot [6416], fac NW.
SE. Fac. Sec. of posthole [6420], 0.4m scale.
NE. Fac. Sec. gully [6416] and pit [6418]. 1m scale.
NE looking photo of pit [6271]. 1m scale
NW facing shot of post hole. 0.4m scale.
N facing shot of linear. 0.4m scale.
NE facing shot of ring gully slot. 0.4m scale.
West facing shot of small post hole. 0.4m scale.
West facing shot of small pit. 0.4m scale.
West facing shot of ring gully slot. 0.4m scale.
Area shot of ring ditch [6388], linear [6402], small pit and post holes. 2m scale.
Area shot of ring ditch, linear, small pit and post holes. 2m scale. 6388-6403
Photo of pit 6386 f682 south facing section with .4 and .05 scale
W looking photo of Pit [6383]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of PHI Pit [6379]. 0.4m scale
SE looking photo of curvilinear [6377]. 0.4m scale
E looking photo of pit [6375]. 0.4m scale
E looking Photo of Ditch relationship 6366, 6368 and 6370. 2m scale.
E looking Plan photo of ring ditch f 675 and pit ff676 with 2, 2 ,1, 0.4m scale.
Photo facing west of section in pit f676 .4m scale
South facing shot of linears 6359 and 6345. 0.4m scale.
W looking Photo of Pit [6355]. 0.4m scale.
W looking Photo of Pit [6357]. 0.4m scale.
W looking Photo of Pit [6349]. 0.4m scale.
W looking Photo of Post hole [6353]. 0.4m scale.
W looking Photo of Post hole [6351] 0.4m scale.
Photo of Terminus of possible ring gully [6364]. 0.4m scale.
Photo facing south east of slot in ring ditch f675 scale.4 and .05 m
SW facing shot of small pit and post hole. 0.4m scale.
SW facing shot of small gully. 0.2m scale.
East facing shot of post hole. 10cm scale.
W looking photo of ditch [6334] 0.4m scale
Photo of corner feature . 0.4m scale
SE. Fac. Sec of gully’s [6330] and [6332] against bull. 0.4m scale.
Facing SW, group shot of [6330] and [6332].
NE. Fac. Sec. gully [6330], 0.4m scale.
Facing NW, group shot of ring gully [6328], [6330].
E. Fac. Sec. of ring gully, [6328], 0.4m scale.
S looking photo of corner feature . 0.4m scale
S looking photo of Roofing gully [6318] . 0.4m scale
E looking photo of Pit [6324] . 0.4m scale
E looking photo of Pit [6322] and post hole. 0.4m scale
E looking photo of pit [6320]. 0.4m scale
SW facing shot of pit and gully. 1m scale.
NW facing shot of pit and gully. 1m scale.
W looking photo of Feature 649 - group shot of ring ditch. 2m and 1m scale
Facing east photo of slot in ring ditch f675 .4m and .05 scale
N looking of ring ditch [6287]. 0.4 scale
N looking of ring ditch [6285]. 0.4 scale
SE looking of ring ditch [6289]. 0.4 scale
E looking of Feature 649 - group shot of ring ditch. 2m and 1m scale
W looking of Feature 649 - group shot of ring ditch. 2m and 1m scale
SE. Fac. Sec. of gully’s [6304] and [6306].
SE. Fac. Sec. of gully [6300] and pit [6302] and gully [6298].
SE. Fac. Sec. of gully [6298].
SE. Fac. Sec. of pit and [6302] and gully [6300].
East facing shot of pit 6295. 1m scale.
W looking photo of pit [6293] . 0.4m scale
W looking photo of gully [6291]. 0.4m scale
SE looking photo of ring ditch [6283] 0.4m scale
W looking photo of ring ditch [6283] 0.4m scale
S looking photo of ditch [6287]. 0.4m scale
NE looking photo of ditch [6287]. 0.4m scale
General trench shot of trench 5 and 6
General trench shot of trench 6
General trench shot of trench 5
General trench shot of trench 4
General trench shot of NE corner of Trench 6 in area west of foot path
General trench shot of trenches 5 and 6
Working shot in Trench 6
NE looking photo of pit [6211]. 2m scale
N looking photo of S facing section of large pit [6257]. 1m scale
SW looking photo of Pit with plough scars [6248]. 2m scale
N looking photo of Post hole 6249. 0.4m scale
W looking photo of Ditch [6240]. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of Post hole 6238. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of Post hole 6234. 0.4m scale.
N looking photo of Post hole [6232]. 0.4m scale
W looking photo Relationship of ditches 6228 and 6230. 1m scale
NE looking photo of Post hole 6205. 0.4m scale
E looking photo of Terminus of ditch 6226. 0.4m scale
NE. Fac. Sec. Ditch. 1m scale.
W looking photo of ditch [6209]. 1m scale
General shot of trench 5 and 6.
W looking photo of gully [6059]. 0.4m scale.
N looking photo of posthole [6089]. 0.4m scale.
N looking photo of posthole [6087]. 0.4m scale.
N looking photo of posthole [6091]. 0.4m scale.
N looking photo of posthole [6093]. 0.4m scale.
N looking Group shot of 4 poster 6089, 6090, 6091, 6092, 6093, and 6094. 1m scale
Pre Ex NE facing shot of large iron age pit. 1m scale.
Pre Ex NE facing shot of iron age pit. 1m scale.
W looking photo of pit [6203]. 0.4m scale.
W looking photo of pit [6201]. 1m scale.
S looking photo of N facing section of post hole [6199]. 0.1m scale
E looking photo of pit [6193]. 1m scale
Group shot of [6195], [6197] and [6174] facing SW. Poss double ring ditch and gully.
NW. Fac. Sec. of [6195] gully.
W. looking photo of. Sec. of [6197] gully and bulk. 0.4m scale
photo of gully [6187]. 0.5m scale
NE looking of shallow pit [6185]. 1m scale
W looking Record photo of skeleton SK6137. 1m scale
Record of skeleton SK6137. 0.4 and 1m scale
E looking photo of small pit [6179]. 0.4m scale
Record shot of Grave cut [6169]
NE looking photo of small find 48. 0.4m scale
SK6170 record shot facing NW, with 1m scale.
Grave cut [6162]. 1m scale
Facing NE, area shot of ditch’s [6172], [6174]. No scale.
Facing NE, area shot of ditch’s [6172], [6174]. 1m scale
SW. Fac. Sec. ditch [6172]. 1m scale
SW. Fac. Sec. ditch [6172].
SW. Fac. Sec. ditch [6174]. 1m scale
SW. Fac. Sec. ditch [6174].
NE. Fac. Sec. ditch [6174].
NE. Fac. Sec. ditch [6172].
NE. Fac. Sec. rel. slot with [6172] & [6174]
E looking general photo of (9008). 1 and 0.4m scale
E looking photo of posthole [9025]. 0.4m scale
photo of SK2163. 1m scale
N looking photo of nail SF63-sf70. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF67 and Sf68. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF65. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF63 and SF64. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF62. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF61. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF60. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF59. 0.05m scale
SW looking photo of of gully terminus [6159]. 0.4m scale
N looking photo of nail SF58. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF57. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF56. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF54. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF53. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF52. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF50. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF49 and SF51. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF48. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF47. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF46. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF45. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF44. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF43. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF42. 0.05m scale
N looking photo of nail SF41. 0.05m scale
SE looking photo of ditch terminus, 2m scale
Photogrammetry photos for sk6156
Record photos for sk6156
North facing shot of skeleton within grave 6133. 1m scale.
South facing shot of skeleton within grave 6133. 1m scale.
SW looking photo of ditch terminus, 1m scale
Slot through building at western end after wall has been removed, 1m scale, shot facing S
Slot through building at western end after wall has been removed, 1m scale, shot facing W
Grave cut [6145] record shot, facing west, with 1m scale.
SK6146, record shot, facing west, with 1m scale.
N facing section of Pit [6103]. 1m scale
S looking photo of Ditches [6117] and [6119]. 2m scale
West facing photo of grave cut [6148] for SK6144. 1m scale. 1975-1978.
West facing photo of SK6144. 1m scale. 1972-1974.
Record shot of grave cut [6141], facing north with 1m & 0.4m scale.
Small find number 39. North Facing. 5cm scale
Record shot of SK6142, facing north, 1m & 0.4m scale.
SK6142, close up of small find 36 on the chin of SK6142.
SK6142, photogrammetry finish.
Slot through building at western end, finds rich area, shot facing S, 1m scale
Slot through building at western end, finds rich area, shot facing N, 1m scale
Slot through building at western end, finds rich area, shot facing E, 1m scale
SW facing shot of ditch 6098 and grave 6139. 1m scale.
S looking photo of ditch 6098 and grave 6133. 1m scale
SK6132, record shots facing SW with 1m scale.
SK6132, record shots facing SE with 1m scale.
NW looking photo of pit [6101]. 1m scale.
Grave cut for Sk.4565, 1m scale
North half of slot dug in (9001), in building (Tr.9), shot facing north, 1m scale
Slot dug in (9001), in building (Tr.9), detail of column base/post pad, shot facing west, 1m scale
South half of slot in (9001) within building (Tr.9), close up on wall/robbed out wall, shot facing south, …
South half of slot in (9001) within building (Tr.9), shot facing south, 1m scale
Sk.4565, 1m scale
Sk4569, 0.40m scale
Sk 6130, 1m scale
Sk 6129, 1m scale
West facing shot of large post hole section within 1m building slot. North end of slot. 1m scale
Working photo. Ben
NE facing shot of post hole section within 1m building slot. 0.4m scale
Grave cut for SK4562 [4264]
SK4562, 1m scale
Comb sf.35, with burial sk.4562
Comb sf.35, with burial sk.4562. 0.4m scale
Record Shot of Sk. 4558 & Grave cut [4559].
Record Shot of Sk. 4558 & Grave cut [4559]
Photo grammetry Shot of Sk. 4558 & Grave cut [4559].
Pit f#439, fully excavated, shot facing NE, 1m scale
Working shot of trench 4
Neonatal sk.4531, shot facing E, 0.40m scale
Pit f#439 with neonatal sk.4531, shot facing NE, 1m scale
S looking photo of Sk.4554, 1m scale, 0.4m scale
E looking photo of Sk.4554, 1m scale and 0.4m scale
Grave cut 4550 after SK 4546 has been lifted. W facing photo. 1m scale.
North Facing shot of burial. 1m scale.
N looking photo of Sk.4552, 1m scale
S looking photo of Sk.4552, 1m scale
SK 4546 after being exposed. S facing photo. 1m scale.
Working shot in Tr 4. Ben (left) and David (right) sampling a burial.
Working shot in Tr 4
W. Fac. Sec. P/H [4196].
E looking photo of W. Fac. Sec. P/H [4526]. 0.4m scale
E looking photo of W. Fac. Sec. P/H [4194]. 0.4m scale
E looking photo of W. Fac. Sec. P/H [4528]. 0.4m scale
East looking photo of pit [4288]. 1m scale.
Group shot of postholes 4178, 4180, 4194, 4528, 4196, 4526, 4214, 4218, 4544, as line of postholes are …
W. Fac. Sec. of P/H [4544]. 0.4m scale
W. Fac. Sec. of P/H [4222]. 0.4m scale
W. Fac. Sec. of pit [4206]. 1m scale
W. Fac. Sec. of pit [4206].
E facing photo of posthole [4533] and stake hole [4540]. 0.40m scale. 0516-0517.
East facing Working shot of animal bone in pit 4288. 0.4m scale.
East facing shot of shallow storage pit. 1m scale.
W. Fac. Sec. of PH [4220].
W. Fac. Sec. of PH [4224]. 0.4m scale
South west facing section of pit F#439, 1m scale, shot facing north east
East facing shot of iron age pit. 1m scale.
East facing shot of post hole. 0.4m scale.
East facing shot of post hole section. 0.4m scale.
E facing photo of posthole 4128. 0.40m scale
E facing photo of posthole 4132. 0.40m scale
E facing photo of posthole 4126. 0.40m scale
South facing section of sondage dug through ditch F#414
Group shot of postholes facing east. Located in eastern side of trench 4. 4202, 4204, 4200, 4198, 4190, …
W. Fac. Sec. posthole [4164] 0.4m scale.
W. Fac. Sec. posthole [4176] 0.4m scale.
W. Fac. Sec. posthole [4182] 0.4m scale.
W. Fac. Sec. posthole [4186] 0.4m scale.
W. Fac. Sec. posthole [4188] 0.4 scale.
W. Fac. Sec. posthole [4192] 0.4m scale.
W. Fac. Sec. posthole [4190] 0.4 scale.
W. Fac. Sec. posthole [4198] 0.4m scale.
W. Fac. Sec. posthole [4204]. 0.4m scale
W. Fac. Sec. posthole [4204]. 0.4m scale.
W. Fac. Sec. of posthole [4202]. 0.4m scale.
East facing photo of posthole [4124]. 0.4m scale
East facing shot of stake hole section. 0.4m scale.
East facing group shot of 13 post holes. 1m scale
North facing shot of Small gully and small pit section. 0.4m scale
East facing shot of small pit section. 0.4m scale
East facing shot of post hole section. 0.4m scale
North facing group shot of post holes 4040 and 4042 section. 0.4m scale
North facing shot of post hole section. 0.4m scale
East facing shot of small pit and gullies section. 0.4m scale
North facing shot of small pit and gullies section. 0.4m scale
East facing shot of post hole. 0.4m scale
North facing shot of post hole. 0.4m scale
East facing shot of 2 post holes. 0.4m scale
NE facing shot of 5 post holes. 1m scale.
NE facing shot of 4 post holes. 1m scale.
East facing shot of post holes 4102 and 4502. 0.4m scale
South East facing shot of post holes 4020 and 4502. 0.4m scale
Terminus slot in ring ditch f#512, shot facing SE, 0.40m scale
Pit [5222] cut by ditch f#515, shot facing south, 1m scale
Gully cut by ditch f#515, shot facing N, 0.40m scale
East facing shot of post hole 6035. Section 132
SE facing shot of ring ditch [5216] section. 0.4m scale.
S facing photo of Roman ditch [5224]. 0.4 scale.
South facing shot of ring ditch terminus.
East facing shot of ring ditch terminus slot.
N looking photo of slot through ring ditch F512 and roman enclosure ditch F511. 1m scale
W looking photo of ring ditch F512
North Facing shot of ring ditch section 125.
East facing shot of stake hole in terminus slot of ring ditch.
N facing section of ring ditch 5197 and roman ditch 5199. 1m scale. Looking S.
W facing section of ring ditch 5197 and cut feature 6019. 0.4m scale. Looking E
NE facing shot of ring ditch, section 122.
Slot in ring ditch f#512 and earlier ditch f#537, shot facing N, 0.40m scale
Slot in ring ditch f#512, shot facing W, 0.40m scale
West facing shot of ring ditch section. 0.4m scale
South facing section pit F#523, 1m scale, shot facing north
South facing section of ditch [5018] and pit [5035], shot facing north, 2m scale
North Facing shot of pit 5085. 1m scale.
North facing shot of small post hole section
South West facing shot of post hole section
South West facing shot of gully 5081 section
South facing photo of slot 5093 with stake holes 5161 and 5160 cut by storage pit 5095.
South facing shot of post hole
West looking photo of storage pit 5095.
East facing shot of ring ditch section, no. 105
Slot through N-S aligned ditch [5155]. 1m Scale. Looking N.
Slot through N-S aligned ditch [5155]. 1m Scale. Looking S.
North West facing shot of ring ditch section 108
South East facing shot of ring ditch, section no. 107
North West facing shot of ring ditch, section no. 106
Grave cut [5083], facing east, 1m scale
Sk. 5142, facing east, 1m scale
Grave cut [5097], facing north, 1m scale
Skeleton 5141, facing east, 1m scale
Skeleton 5141, facing north, 1m scale
Trench 2 long strip, south side of Area A. Facing west.
Pit [5055] fully excavated facing south east, 1m scale
South facing section post hole [5065] facing north, 40cm scale
South facing section post hole [5067] facing north, 40cm scale
South east facing section post hole [5069] facing north west, 40cm scale
North facing section ditch F#511 and post hole [5071] facing south, 1m scale
South facing section ditch F#511 and post hole [5071]
Infant burial Sk.5136 in pit [5055] facing east, 40cm scale
South east facing section pit [5055] and [5053] facing north west, 1m scale
North east facing section pit [5101] facing south, 1m scale
North facing section pits [5063] facing south, 1m scale
North facing section pits [5059][5061][5063] facing south, 2m scale
North and north east facing section pit [5063] facing south west, 2m scale
North facing section pit [5059] facing south, 2m scale
North facing section pit [5059][5061][5063] and north east facing section of pit [5063][5101] facing …
Pre Ex shot of trench 8 (west)
South facing shot of pit 8017
South East facing section pit [5047] facing north west, 2m scale
South East facing section pit [5049] and furrow [5107], facing north west, 40cm and 1m scale
East facing section ditch [5005] and post hole [5109], facing west, 2m scale
Rainbow over trench 5, facing east
West facing section of post hole [5015], east facing, 40 cm scale
West facing section of ditch [5014], east facing, 2m scale
North facing section post hole [5010], south facing, 40cm scale
North facing section post hole [5008], south facing, 40cm scale
North facing section post hole [5009], south facing, 40cm scale
North facing section post hole [5007], south facing, 40cm scale
North facing section post hole [5006], south facing, 40cm scale
South east facing section of post hole [5045], north west facing, 30cm scale
North facing section of rooting [5003] and [5004], south facing, trowel for scale
Pre ex trench 5 facing north east
Pre ex trench 5 facing north
Pre Ex shot of trench 5, facing north west
Pre ex trench 5 facing south
Ben and Scott on site during the Trench 5 strip
Trench 5 strip in progress, south east facing
Overy Mead post reinstatement
Trench 47 post reinstatement
Course way at Overy Mead post reinstatement
Oblique shot of Trench 47 slot
Trench 46, reinstatement of course way
Trench 48, reinstatement
Post-excavation shot of Trench 47, looking southeast, 1 m scales
representative section of trench 49
post ex of trench 49
Southwest-facing section of rubble (47009) within slot at northwest end of Trench 47, 1 m scales
Post-excavation shot of rubble (47009) within slot at northwest end of Trench 47, looking northeast, …
NW-facing section of slot through layer (46007) at southwest end of Trench 46, 2 m scale
NW-facing section of slot through layer (46007) at northeast end of Trench 46, 2 m scale
Post-excavation shot of Trench 46, looking northeast, 1 m scales
Southeast-facing section of Trench 48 (S-End), 1 m scales
Post-excavation shot of Trench 48 (S-End), looking southwest, 1 m scales
Southeast-facing section of Trench 48 (N-End), looking southeast, 1 m scale
post ex trench 48, N end
North-facing section of Trench 29, including ditch F2902, 1 m scales
Southwest-facing section of Trench 28, 1 m scale
Northwest-southeast aligned ditch F2801, 1 m scale
North-south aligned ditch F2802, 1 m scale
Post-excavation shot of Trench 28, looking southeast, 1 m scales
Post-excavation shot of Trench 27, looking east, 1 m scales
North-facing section of linear F2701, 1 m scale
Post-excavation shot of Trench 29, looking SWW, 1 m scales
North-south aligned ditch F2902, looking south, 1 m scale
North-south aligned ditch F2901, looking south, 1 m scale
North-facing section of Trench 38, 1 m scale
Post-excavation shot of Trench 38, looking east, 1 m scales
East-facing section of Trench 37, 1 m scale
Northeast-southwest aligned ditch terminus/elongated pit F3701, looking west, 1 m scale
Post-excavation of Trench 37, looking north, 1 m scales
North-facing section of Trench 32, 1 m scale
North-south aligned ditch F3201, looking north, 1 m scale
North-south aligned ditch F3202, looking north, 1 m scale
Post-excavation shot of Trench 32, looking east, 1 m scales
East-facing section of Trench 39, 1 m scales
Post-excavation shot of Trench 39, looking north, 1 m scales
NNW-SSE aligned ditch F2605, looking west, 1 m scale
North-south aligned ditch F2603 and pit F2604, looking west, 1 m scale
East-west aligned ditch F2601, looking north, 1 m scale
Pit F2602
Pre-excavation shot of Trench 26, looking southwest, 1 m scales
East-facing section of Trench 30, 1 m scales
Post-excavation shot of Trench 30, looking south, 1 m scales
Southeast-facing section of Trench 31, 1 m scale
Post excavation shot of Trench 31, looking northeast, 1 m scales
North-south aligned ditch F3802, looking south, 1 m scales
North-facing section of ditch F3801, 1 m scale
Post-excavation shot of Trench 36, looking east, 1 m scales
South-facing section of Trench 36, 1 m scales
Post-excavation shot ofof Trench 33, looking southeast, 1 m scale
Southwest-facing section of Trench 33, 2 m scale
East-facing section of Trench 40, 1 m scale
Post-excavation shot of Trench 40, looking north, 1 m scales
East-facing section of Trench 41, 1 m scale
Southeast-facing section of Trench 42, 1 m scale
Post-excavation shot of Trench 42, looking northeast, 1 m scales
Southwest-facing representative section of Trench 43, 1 m scale
Post-excavation shot of Trench 43, looking northwest, 1 m scales
Southeast-facing section of Trench 44, 1 m scale
Post-excavation shot of Trench 44, looking northeast, 1 m scales
Southeast-facing section of ditch F4501, 1 m scale
Post-ex photo of trench 45
Post-ex of trench 14
ditch [14006]
Section of trench 14 including ditch [14006]
Ditch [14004]
Representative section of trench 11
Post-ex photograph of trench 11
North-facing section of ditch [13008], Roman trackway
Representative section of trench 15
Pre ex photo of trench 15
(12010) spread
Representative section of trench 12
Pre -ex photo of trench 12
North-facing section of F1301, 1m scales
Post ex trench 13 section
Pre ex trench 13
Trench 22 section collapse
Flooding of trench 22
Flooding of trench 23
Flooding of trench 24
Timber post in situ
Flooding of trench 25
Representative section of Trench 16 (10m from N end)
Representative section of trench 16
Representative section of trench 17
Representative section of trench 18
Representative section of trench 19
Post-ex photo of trench 15
Post ex trench 19
Post ex trench 18
Post ex trench 17
Post ex, trench 16
Post ex, Pit feature trench 20
Post ex, trench 20, section
Post ex, trench 20
Post ex, trench 21
Post ex, trench 21. Section
post ex trench 22 section
Post ex, trench 22.
Photo of removed timber post
post ex trench 25 section
post ex trench 25
post ex trench 24 section
post-ex trench 24
post ex trench 23 section
Log at base of trench 23
post-ex trench 25
North facing section of ditch [1004] F102, looking south, 1m scale
North facing section of pit F101, looking south, 1m scale
West facing section of pit [1167] F146
South facing section of pits [1149] F143 and [1167] F146
East facing section of pit [1149] F143
North east facing section of pits [1151] F144 and [1149] F143.
North west facing section of pits [1143] F141 and [1145] F142
N facing section wall of F138, F139 and F140
E facing section wall of F138, and F139
E facing section wall of F137
West-facing section of large pit F136, looking east, 1.0m horizontal scale, 0.7m vertical scale
West facing section of pit [1087] F135
South facing section of pit against northern edge of excavation, looking north, 2m and 1m scales
East facing section of ditch F133 and post hole F134, looking west, 1m scale.
West facing section of F132
North facing section of F130 and F131
West-facing section of large pit at northeast of excavation, looking east, 1.0m horizontal scale, 0.4m …
West facing section of pit F128, looking east, 1m and 0.4m scales
East facing section of pit and shallow oblong feature [1055] and [1053] F125 and F126, looking west, …
Northwest facing section of pit F114 and F122, looking southeast, 1m and 0.4m scales
West facing section of east-west linear ditch F123, looking east. 1m and 0.30m scales.
Post-excavation shot of burrowing F121, curvilinear ditch F110 and linear ditch F119 at northwest …
SE facing photo of feature F120
West-facing section of the termini of curvilinear ditch F110 and linear ditch F119 northwest corner …
West-facing section of relationship between curvilinear ditch F110 and linear ditch F119 northwest of …
North facing section of pit F118, looking south, 0.40m scale.
North-facing section of post-hole F117 at northwest of excavation, looking south, 0.30 m scale
North-facing section of post-hole F116 at northwest of excavation, looking south, 0.30m scale
Southeast facing section of pit F113, looking northwest, 0.4m and 0.3m scales.
Section of features F111 and F112 (to pits at south edge of trench 2)
South-facing section of relationship between F107 east-west ditch and F105 north-south ditch
East-facing section of terminus of curvilinear ditch [1028] F110 at northwest of excavation, looking …
West facing section showing ditch [1024] cutting ditch [1026], looking east, 1m scale
East facing section of ditch [1024], looking west, 1m scale
East facing section of pit [1022], looking west, 0.4m scale
North-facing section of pit [1017] at southwest corner of excavation, looking south, 1.0 m horizontal …
East facing section of pit [1020], looking west, 1m scale.
Pit [1017] at southwest corner of excavation, looking north, 0.40 m scale, mid excavation
South facing section of post-medieval ditch F105, looking north, 1m scale
North-facing section of large pit [1007] F103, looking south, 1m horizontal scale, 0.4m vertical scale …
North facing section of pit F104, looking south, 1m scale
Record shot of SK4709. 0.4m scale.
Cut of infant grave [4708] and SK4709. 1m scale.
Cut of infant grave [4711] and SK4712. 1m scale.
Photos of shallow ditches 4703/5/7. Very dry and windy. 2m scale
Model of corn dryer - end
Model of corn dryer - start
Photo record shot of Sk. 4552 & Grave cut [4556]. 1m scale
Photo grammetry Shot of Sk. 4552 & Grave cut [4556].