Features at Under the Uplands

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Under the Uplands

Basic Information

  • Substantial deposit of cave earth within Chamber B


  • Context: UTU_3004
    • file_image
    • Chamber D used in the finds recording system during the excavation in 1870-78
    • Nigel Steel
    • 3-1-2017


    • A substantial deposit of upper cave earth within Chamber B. It is truncated to the south-west and north-east by the 1870-78 excavations. The level of this deposit is 419.2m AOD and there is a possibility that it was not significantly disturbed during the earlier excavations and could therefore contain R-B deposits. The section at the south-west contains disturbed, out of sequence blocks of flowstone and there is an extant section of flowstone in the north-east section at a level of c.418.2m AOD suggesting that there is a flowstone floor 1.0m below the present surface. Faunal remains have become exposed at the south western section of the extant deposit (at about SD83836.7, 65065.3), they were left insitu as required within the brief, species unknown. This was allocated VA6 in LUAU 1995 survey (Quartermaine, J. 1995. Victoria And Albert Caves North Yorkshire: Archaeological Survey. Lancaster University Archaeological Unit. Lancaster)
      • Nigel Steel
    • 10-1-2017

Dating Narrative

    • Various examples of faunal remains from Ursus arctos were recovered in this area of Chamber B during the excavations in 1870-78, giving rise to the theory that the carcasses were foraged by wolf during the Lateglacial Interstadial.
      • Nigel Steel
    • 10-1-2017
