Short Description:
Stone filled layer adjacent to southern wall.
Issued to
Claire Asplin | 19/08/2016

- Limestone scree deposited by natural processes such as soliflution or by anthropogenic influence as a levelling deposit.
- Nigel Steel
- 17-10-2016
- Soft
- Mid orangeybrown
- Fine clay silt
- Frequent angular pebbles, cobbles and boulders
- Length - 1.5m Width - 2m Depth - 0.20m
- Deposit was revealed immediately below (2001), and found to be abutting enclosure wall (2004), and overlying the nstural limestone pavement.
- Very poor - constant rain and low visibility.
Feature: UTU_202
- Wall farthest from the cave
Site Photos
Photo: UTU_165908
Photo: UTU_165911
Photo: UTU_165916
Photo: UTU_165917
Photo: UTU_165919
Photo: UTU_165922
Photo: UTU_165934
Sample: UTU_4
- Johanna Ungemach
- 20-8-2016
Record Details
- Not set
- Claire Asplin 19-8-2016
- 17-10-2016
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